Tuesday 9 June 2009

Year 2 Evaluation

Wasn't sure where to put this so I've posted it here as well as my old ppd blog and domain blog.

1. What skills have you developed through this year and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Over the past year I feel that my skills involving type and layout have vastly improved which was my main aim for this part of the course. Doing the type module was a particularly important part of my development in these fields. I have applied these skills very effectively in all of the briefs I have undertaken since the completion of this module. You can definitely tell the difference in my ability between the publications I designed in the design practice module from the things I was doing in the design for print module.

I also managed to improve my illustration skills although I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I cannot draw very well. I had to draw a lot of storyboards for the design for digital media module and I did quite a few illustrations for my growing vegetables booklet. I definitely would consider illustration to be one of my weaknesses but feel that I have successfully developed my skills in this area and have vastly improved from last year.

The O2 collaborative brief I did with Emma was also important in terms of my development as a designer. The construction of our device was very process driven. I further developed my skills in screen printing and learned how to set up artwork to be laser cut as well. It also made me feel more comfortable when it came to negotiating a brief with another person because we had to make sure we were both happy with where we were taking the brief and what each of us was going to contribute.

2. What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?
I think that working through many design sheets has helped me to get down all of my ideas and explore them before moving onto something else. In the past I would probably just have brainstormed an idea and left it there. Research has been an important part of the design process for me. The research I undertook for the good project and the gardening project really helped me to develop the work well and in turn, generate more ideas as to what I could do with a brief. Talking through my ideas with my peers and tutors has also helped with problem solving. Especially when the laser cutting went a bit wrong during the O2 brief, if we had not talked through everything properly and rationally, it could have gone horribly wrong.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think that my strengths do lie within typographic and layout design. Next year I’m hoping to carry on with more publication design and am hoping to spend the majority of the time playing with type and layout on booklets, leaflets, magazines, posters and more. Because of this, for my work placement I applied to lots of design companies that deal with the design of this kind of literature. I have now hopefully gotten a place at Purpose in London. I feel that I come up with strong ideas and concepts quite swiftly which means that I can move onto fully researching a subject and developing designs with minimal fuss.

I feel that there is a strong correlation between my portfolio of work and my ambitions as a designer. Most of the things I have included in the portfolio demonstrate my abilities in publication design and how well I can manipulate type and design layouts. My portfolio is also very colourful which I think reflects me as a person and my eye for design.

My interest in layout design led me deciding on the topic of grids for my dissertation. I plan to look at whether they are relevant or redundant. My proposal is based around the question ‘is design ruled by the straight line?’ and will be examining how people adhere to or rebel against grids looking at all forms of design from city planning and architecture to painting. I admire the work of designers such as Josef Muller-Brockmann and wish to gain a greater understanding of the use of grids in all forms of design. I have already completed a module in typography which has helped to further my interest in the subject. Much of my work in the Design Practice module has been focused on publication design and so I have had to work mainly with grids and type. In the third year I wish to carry on with designing booklets, magazines etc. and so will again be working mainly with grids and type meaning that I will be able to use any contextual research I do for my projects as research for my dissertation.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?
I feel that I can manipulate body copy well. In the type module I learned about fitting copy into a grid and making a viewer want to read lengthy bits of text. I now know about the importance of line length, point size and leading in the development of a successful layout. However I feel that I could be more experimental with type and if I were to design more display style type work that would be beneficial to me as a designer.

Illustration is probably my major weakness but its not really relevant because that is what collaboration is for. I do feel that my skills in the area have improved somewhat but it is not something I will be pursuing in the future.

Time management is also something I feel that I need to work on. I used to think I was really organised as I am always punctual and in attendance and on top of my work. But doing more than one brief at a time during the design practice module showed me how much more I need to organise my time so that I can complete the work to a high standard as well as have a social life.

5. What will you do differently next year?

In future I plan to keep an up to date diary and blog every day to make sure that I am working at a good pace. Next year I plan to focus on publication design and will aim to do that for the majority of the time. I think I need to look at more contemporary practice as that is something that I have not done as much this year. However I have bought my own domain and have set up a new blog on there for next year. I will be updating it throughout the summer with my own personal work as well as anything that catches my eye.

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Commitment: 4
Quantity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 3

Sunday 31 May 2009

End Of Module Self-Evaluation: Design Practice 2 Part 2

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have learned what juggling lots of projects at once feels like. This was good practice for the real graphic design world but it was very stressful and confusing at times. I chose briefs that would make me focus on my type and layout skills. Thats what I like doing and am best at. I have developed my abilities regarding the use of grids. I set out the text in manageable chunks to make the viewer more inclined to actually read it. I learned a lot during the typography module that has had a great impact upon my abilities in these areas. I think I have applied the principles of type and layout design to my work in an effective way. I spent a lot of time getting point sizes and leading right to make body copy look as good as possible.

Surprisingly I also managed to develop my illustration skills! The booklet was supposed to be aimed at teenagers onwards and so I felt it would be better with some kind of illustration in there. I'm shocked because the images aren't actually too bad. I got some practice on how to combine illustration and text which is always helpful. I also developed my skills with colour and think that all the work I have produced for this module has been bright and attractive.

2. What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?
I think that good research is key to the success of a project. The speed dating poster could have been more interesting if I had gone to an actual speed dating session or talked to people who have done it about it. The book cover brief was also difficult to research but the way I solved it was purely design based as it had to be replicable by a printer so I feel that it worked out alright. I did the most research for the booklet brief and as a result I am most pleased with the outcome.

I think that choosing an idea and getting on with it helped me to meet the deadlines. Before we started the module, I had a pretty good idea of what direction I wanted to go in for all of the briefs so it was just a matter of researching and developing my ideas fully.

I spent lots of time designing layouts for all three of the briefs. This meant that I had a large selection of visual material to work from when I moved onto InDesign. Hand drawing layouts takes time but it makes it easier to come up with something that works than just playing about on the computer.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think that the layouts I have produced are very strong and dynamic. The amount of these that I did, especially for the book covers brief meant that in terms of layout all of the work I produced was interesting to look at. I will continue to design lots of different layouts for all future projects as I think it can sometimes help to inspire the content as well. Colour is something I work well with and think the use of colour in these projects has made them look really good. In terms of type I feel that I have good ability with body copy and know how to set it out well.

I liked being able to constantly switch between briefs so when I got bored or stuck on one I could just work on a different one. However this meant that I spent too much time on some things when I should have finished a project days before.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?
My time management for these projects was pretty appalling. I had originally planned to do 4 briefs and I think if I had actually stuck to what I had planned to do, I would have been able to the Wagamama brief as well. But there were a couple of weeks at the beginning where I had only done any work 3 days of a week. I've been quite distracted over this last module and wish I had worked harder all the way through it. Poor time management meant that I had to omit some parts of the briefs but I think I managed to make them work well nevertheless and I have answered all of the briefs as fully as possible in the time available. I think that I needed to make more of crit sessions. During pretty much all of them, I just presented the work and didn't really get the answers I needed to progress. But I've learned from this now and will make sure I am always prepared next year.

I played around with layout a lot but not as much with typography. I think if I did more display style type work then it might have made things more interesting. I can manipulate body copy well but I think I just need to be more experimental in general.

5. Identify five things that you will do different next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Create a time management plan at the start of the project to give me some idea of where I should be with a project at any given time as well as working harder from the beginning. Then update this plan each week to make sure it is still relevant according to my progress.
2. Try to be more innovative with research even on day briefs, it will help no end.
3. Book time in the digital print studio at the beginning of a project because I will need it no matter what I decide to do with a brief.
4. Think harder about the target audience and whether a brief will work if you tested it on them.
5. Get things done quicker so I have time to photograph things in context.

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 5
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 3
Quantity Of Work Produced - 3
Quality Of Work Produced - 3
Contribution To The Group - 3

Friday 29 May 2009

Final Boards


Thursday 28 May 2009

Final Booklets

These are the final covers I decided on for the 10 Things brief. I chose to go with the dotty stock I got from Craft Wise as the texture just seemed right for the project. Gardening is all about getting your hands dirty and feeling about in the ground. My printer messed up a bit so I had to cut off loads and as a result the backs are a bit short!! I only had one sheet of each because they were expensive, but I managed to make them work by folding them in a certain way.

Finished Book Covers

These are the book covers I made for the Faber Film brief. I'm happier with them now that they've been put on actual books. They've photographed really well.

Finished Poster

These are pictures of my speed dating poster. I decided not to fold the actual poster because it was too nice and didn't want to risk destroying my work. So instead I made a mock up using plain paper and my printed front and back covers.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Final Book Covers

Here are my final book covers for the Faber & Faber book cover project. I know I said that yesterday, but today has changed things... I went to the charity shop in Headingley today but one book cost me £2!! So I bought it, and figured I could stick all the covers onto one book to photograph. I then went to The Works to look for some paper stock for my booklet project. Whilst here I found 6 books for 49p each! When the woman scanned them in, they were only 25p! I've spent less money on buying whole books than printing the bloody covers. When I got back to college, I realised that the books were a different size to what I had designed (stupid wikipedia grr...) so I spent lunchtime resizing everything. I stuck down the covers today but my camera is at home, so I'll photograph them tomorrow.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Knowledge is...

Jonathan told me this great saying today and I just had to include it in my booklet.

Book Covers

Here are the final cover designs for my books. For ages I didn't know what to do to make the book titles on the cover better. I tried finding a relevant font for each book but this proved to be impossible. Instead, I plumped for American Typewriter Bold as I thought that the typewriter look related well to the look of screenplays. I think it works a lot better now. I just need to actually buy some books to put them on now!

Saturday 23 May 2009

More Film Like?

So in the crit on Thursday I asked people how I could make my books look more film related. Someone suggested that I add something related to film reels. I drew out a texture on illustrator of a film strip and applied this to each cover. They look better but I'm still not happy with the font on the cover!!

Friday 22 May 2009

Final Booklet Covers

These are the final covers for my booklets. I only have to make the growing vegetables ones but I'm going to print the other ones as well to make little mock up books.

I love Sara

Today Sara couldn't make her digital print session and very kindly offered it to me. So I finally got to print off my speed dating poster. Unfortunately James informed me that the A1 printer was fully booked until June 2nd - a little bit late for the deadline! Next time I'm booking time downstairs at the very beginning of a project because I will definitely always need it. Lesson learned.

Thursday 21 May 2009


Finally got around to visiting Homebase after the crit to take photos of plants and to see what information/places to put information they had in the garden centre. I went to Moor Allerton. An hour, a walk across the dual carriageway and one bag of cookies later, I realised that Homebase was hidden behind Sainsburys, gahh.

Inside the shop I found this great book on growing vegetables. I snuck some photos of the pages because it had some nice illustrations and lots of info in it.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

10 Things Cover Ideas

Some cover ideas that seemed good at the time, then I remembered that I cannot draw: